1 Website

19 students

3rd year project

52 featured projects



Upon graduating from Interactive Media Design, Northumbria University host a 'Reveal show' opening up the university to the public for two weeks, giving students a platform to showcase their work to potential employers. Alongside this, our course gave us a domain to host our work, which required us to create a website to showase a selection of our work.

I took the task of developing and designing the site for the showcase, to be used prior and during the shows (Reveal and D&AD).


The site

One of the main parts to the website, the "Our Work" page showcasing every project of each student they wish to be featured on the site. Each person selected 3-5 projects to showcase using a mix of personal and group projects. This creating a good balance of work for every student. The introduction of a filter to this page allows users to choose between categories of work allowing them to select what they are interested in, options between 'All' projects, "UX&UI", "Experiential Design" or "Narrative & Games”.

The second part to the site, "Meet the students" shows a page of profiles of each of the students on the 2016 Interactive Media Design course. Each of which navigate to their own personal page in the site. There personal page consists of a portrait of the student, their name along with their title and a short biography of them and their contact information. This is followed by their projects that they have featured on the website. Each one linking to the project itself.

"Meet us & About us" an inclusion to the site that I deemed a neccessity. It was a part that the previous IMD sites hadn't included, and something that I couldn't understand why. I wanted to make it clear to people viewing the site that we had two shows running, giving exposure to vist these. Along with giving an overview of who we are and what the we do on the course for potential prospect students.